American Church Loans mission is to help busy pastors and church leaders obtain provision for their God-given vision and Kingdom expansion!
Our goal is to find your church the best rates available across the country at the best possible terms! We endeavor to take the hassle out of bank bureaucracy and lenders shopping lists of requirements and make your church financing as enjoyable and painless as possible! Keep in mind that we can help you acquire financing for your vision today with our wide assortment of “church friendly” Lenders from all across America!
Our Christ Centered Staff have over 100 combined years of successful pastoral ministry experience from church planting to leading a mega church, real estate and business experience as well as 35 years of retail and commercial banking expertise! We are fully committed to serving your construction or refinancing needs!
Contact us either by phone, email or you can start the simple process below for a free consultation!
We’re here to Connect you to some of the most competitive church loan products available nationally! Let us help you save time and money and give you viable options for financing your vision today!
Dr Paul A Endrei
Call Us: (440) 454-2324